Sunday, 29 August 2010
Visit East London Cemetery
LEGACY OF LIMEHOUSE CHINATOWN PROJECT_ Tracing the histories of London’s old Chinatown
The Chinese community in Britain dates back to early 19th century and it is now one of the largest minority ethnic groups in the UK. Since the late 19th century, Chinese seamen and cooks from merchant ships began to pass through the London Docks and slowly formed a settled Chinese population near Limehouse. Often projected in novels and film in the 1920s and 1930s, this Limehouse Chinatown was also the first site for the growth of Anglo-Chinese families. When the original Chinese settlement at Limehouse slowly vanished after 1940s, the record and history of the place and the Chinese diaspora community remained under-researched and under-represented. Hence this project will help to preserve the history of the early Chinese settlers in Limehouse.
Sue Bowers, Head of Heritage Lottery Fund London, reiterates that the history of Chinese settlement in Limehouse has been largely overlooked, therefore this project will redress the balance by raising public awareness of a thriving migrant community that flourished from the late 1800s until the Second World War.
The Legacy of Limehouse Chinatown project will disseminates the history and heritage of Limehouse Chinese settlement through a series of learning and participative events. The major activities include the following:
Oral Histories: Conduct in-depth oral history interviews from the former and existing local residents of Limehouse.
Archives: Collect historical items such as personal notes, photographs and relevant documents of early Chinese settlers and the residents at Limehouse.
Guided Heritage Trail Map and Guided Walks: To design a map of guided walk of Limehouse Chinatown and to organize such guided walks.
Educational Talks at Schools and Family Events: Promote students’ understanding of the history of London’s earliest Chinese community through talks and group discussions in schools and intergenerational family events.
Conference and Exhibition: Hold a conference and a public exhibition on Limehouse Chinatown to reflect the experiences and issues encountered throughout the project, and to celebrate the achievements accomplished. To discuss future challenges for preserving Chinese heritage as part of London’s development.
The project is now recruiting a team of volunteers to help collate oral histories and organise various activities. The project will provide training in gathering such histories, collecting archive items and doing research.
Islington Chinese Association urges the help and participation from the public to ensure the success of the project. If you, your relatives or your friends have lived in Limehouse Chinatown, or if you have any information about the history of Limehouse Chinatown, please contact Islington Chinese Association.
For all enquiries and further information, please contact the Project Manager, Dr Yat Ming Loo
Telephone: 020 72635986 Email:
Address: Islington Chinese Association, 21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG.
依士靈頓華人協會獲得文化獎卷基金(Heritage Lottery Fund) 的撥款資助,推行一項華人歷史項目--<舊華埠記憶: 東倫敦舊唐人街歷史>計劃。這項為期14個月的計劃是與塔橋區地方歷史圖書與檔案館以及依士靈頓博物館聯合進行,在八月正式展開。
計劃宗旨是要記錄、保存、表揚及推廣華人移民在倫敦的最早聚居地--東倫敦石灰屋唐人街(Limehouse Chinatown)的歷史故事。此計劃將側重於尋找這個地方從十九世紀末至1960年代的歷史記憶,會以深度訪問方式收集口述歷史,將來存放於塔橋地方歷史圖書與檔案館及依士靈頓博物館。
倫敦文化獎卷基金會負責人Sue Bowers說,東倫敦石灰屋的唐人街歷史普遍上受到忽略,而這項計劃正好可以為此歷史空缺做出補充,讓大家加深了解這個從十九世紀末直至第二次世界大戰曾經興旺的華人移民社會。
- 口述歷史: 訪問東倫敦舊唐人街的舊街坊及現有的居民﹔
- 歷史檔案: 收集有關舊唐人街的歷史文物、舊照片及其他舊物件﹔
- 舊唐人街步行地圖: 舉辦步行活動以及設計相關地區及街道的步行路線圖﹔
- 講座與家庭活動: 為加強學生對倫敦華人歷史的認識,將在學校舉辦講座以及舉辦其他跨代家庭活動﹔
- 研討會與展覽: 計劃後期將舉辦研討會,除了展出相關研究的成果,亦討論挑戰與展望,包括研討倫敦華人社區歷史工作的未來發展。
所有詢問,請聯絡項目統籌經理盧日明博士,電話: 020 7263 5986,電郵:。依士靈頓華人協會地址: 21, Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG.